The photo above is sunrise just outside our room. Just the Nica's burning the fields!
Up at the crack as I have always described getting up early. The coffee was already made in the restaurant just 30-40 steps away for our room. Yes that small luxury is sure nice!! Surfed from 6:30 till 10 when the on-shores came and blew out the cracking beach-break. We have been taking some surf photos. Walking around outside during the middle of the day one feels like being a chicken on a rotisserie grill it is so hot. There is not much humidity just dry heat. This is the dry season and most “greenery” is brown and much of it burnt as they burn it due to lack of lawn mowers I guess. A lawn mower down here is a machete by the way, everyone carries one. Even bicycles have sheaths for them. Good for most anything tool and cheap!
Took a drive this afternoon just exploring the area. We did have our boards just in case! The drive was a view of what it is really like down here away from “civilization”. We ended up in some very off the beaten path areas. “Where ever you go there you are” is the cover on a Mexico travel book I have. That was never more apparent than this afternoon. Just looking around made you realize that having an indoor toilet, a floor that was not dirt, a roof that was not palm fronds, a kitchen that was inside and air conditioned at that, running water and not a well to haul your only water by the bucket full, a shower that was not at the well with the bucket, did I mention electricity!! , maybe a car, which we saw very few of, all of these places with people in the yards had a smile and a wave if offered the same, as we drove by slowly. The road was so bad one could not drive fast. Just idling in 2nd gear was about the right speed. I hope Jack and Dillon really remembered what they witnessed as everyday life down here. The scenes were normal for down here but unheard of for the most part in the good ole USA. The next time you complain about the modern conveniences we are use to having but not functioning just think of everyday life down here. It will make you feel very lucky!!!
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